Senior Education Technical Advisor

save-the-children - Peru | 2024-11-09 01:21:25


The Senior Education Technical Advisor will use their in-depth contextual understanding, technical expertise, and relationship building skills to define and deliver our strategic ambition for education in Peru. The role will lead strategy development and the technical design and implementation of high quality programs that deliver change for children in both emergency and development programming. 

The role supports national advocacy and influencing, according to the CO lineaments, while driving strategic partnerships for new business development and the implementation of programs working closely with operations colleagues. It supports the design and implementation of monitoring and evaluation systems to demonstrate impact, while sharing learning across our programs, teams and partners.  

The role supports the strengthening of capacities of partners and building ownership and agency of local organizations aiming the implementation of the localization strategy. This role includes a focus on external representation on priority issues including early childhood care and development: foundational learning and uninterrupted learning (education in emergencies) or safe schools to ensure all children have access to education leading to learning and wellbeing outcomes. It supports the programs of the Country Strategic Plan of the Country Office assuring the alignment of the education rights with child protection, climate change resilience or health and nutrition, among other children´s rights prioritized by the global strategy of Save the Children. 

In the event of a major humanitarian emergency, the role holder will be expected to work outside the normal role profile and be able to vary working hours accordingly. 



  •  Master’s degree in education or social sciences. 
  • At least 5 years’ experience of leading the design and implementation of humanitarian and development programs in education. 
  • Deep understanding of the education sector and national policies and public programs of education in Peru. 
  • Experience of context, capacity and policy analysis, and influencing and advocacy at regional/international level in order to hold duty bearers to account to realize children’s rights. 
  • Experience of promoting quality and impact through at least one cross-cutting area: gender equality and inclusion, adaptive and safer programming; child rights; disability; migration and displacement. 
  • Experience of supporting humanitarian preparedness, response and recovery (Desirable). 
  • Familiar with education systems (humanitarian/cluster systems as needed) for ex. the INEE Minimum Standards, the key issues related to Sustainable Development Goal 4 – to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. 
  • Track record in successful business development/fundraising such as Global Partnership for Education, Education Cannot Wait, EU, DIFID, USAID, World Bank Commitment to and understanding of Save the Children’s aims, values and principles including rights-based approaches. 
  • Demonstrated program design, monitoring and evaluation skills, including designing pathways to sustainable impact at scale. 
  • Skilled at networking, representation and partnership development in order promote learning, strengthen civil society and mobilize resources. 
  • Able to generate and use data and evidence to innovate, deliver, learn and share what works and what doesn’t work for children. 
  • Experience of strategy development and planning. 
  • Significant experience in training, capacity building, and mentoring. 
  • Fluent in English and high level of English writing skills (indispensable).  
  • Fluent in Spanish. 



Technical competencies: 

  • Ensures all children’s access to quality education 
  • Ensures all children’s wellbeing 
  • Supports all children’s learning and development 


Generic Competencies 

  • Being the Voice of Children: Promotes evidence-based policy and public engagement that includes the voices of children and their communities 
  • Advancing Equality & Inclusion: Displays a commitment to ensuring everything we do considers the most deprived and marginalised children 
  • Building & Strengthening Partnerships: Promotes working with diverse partners as critical to delivery 
  • Child Rights: Promotes the rights of children in own work and in work with colleagues and peers 



Technical leadership: 

  • Provide technical leadership for education to the Country Office, and set the strategic approach in relation to the wider country strategy 
  • Build capacity of national staff and partners in key technical approaches related to education. 

Ensuring Programme Quality (Design & Implementation): 

  • Work closely with Technical Advisers and MERA Team of PQI to ensure that a rights-based approach is reflected in our program design, in humanitarian and development context, incorporating the common approaches, global indicators and theory of change, participatory methodologies that promote gender equality and social inclusion in education proposals/programs. 
  • Work closely with new business development colleagues to identify and pursue funding opportunities that allow for both integration intro broader programs and standalone education programs/projects; engage with technical partners, donors, and colleagues across Save the Children.  
  • Lead the technical scoping, planning, design and proposal writing related to education rights and ensure that we design and deliver high quality education programs for children, building on global best practice. · Ensure that gender, intercultural, disability, and resilience considerations are reflected in our program design and implementation.  
  • Promote an Education Systems Strengthening approach as the overarching framework, that supports working in collaboration and partnership with governments and regional entities, local partners and working towards impact, scale and sustainability.  

c. Networking & External Engagement:  

  • In alignment with Country Office strategy and leadership, engage in strategic positioning with donors, partners and government in-country, and ensure that Save the Children is a partner of choice in education. Lead multisectoral or interinstitutional coordination spaces or practices communities related to education rights, in the humanitarian and development context, promoting the values, principles and approaches of Save the Children in national and international level, and networking bodies such as clusters and working groups recognizing Save the Children and UNICEF are global co-leads for the education cluster. 
  • Ensure that Save the Children is influencing and learning from others through the technical coordination.  
  • Strengthen civil society engagement in national dialogues and policy processes through working closely with advocacy and child rights governance colleagues. Ensure that the diverse voices of children, girls and boys are equitably heard and represented in our education work.  
  • Represent the program to national and local government representatives, donors, partner agencies, etc. as required.  


  • Any other task & responsibilities given by the supervisor, as appropriate . 
  • Comply with Save the Children´s policies and practice with respect to child safeguarding, code of conduct, staffs security and safety, equal opportunities and other relevant policies and procedure. 


Save the Children es una organización internacional independiente y sin fines de lucro, fundada en 1919, que trabaja en más de 120 países alrededor del mundo. Tiene como visión la de un mundo en el que todos los niños y niñas tengan asegurado el derecho a la supervivencia, la protección, el desarrollo y la participación. Su quehacer y la toma de sus decisiones se basan en el mandato del Interés Superior del Niño, en contextos de desarrollo y de ayuda humanitaria. 

En Perú, SC trabaja desde la década de 1980 con poblaciones que tienen sus derechos vulnerados. Sus acciones se realizan en los ámbitos de Educación, Salud y Nutrición. Asimismo, SC trabaja en el campo de la Protección para que niñas, niños y adolescentes vivan en una sociedad libre de violencia, abuso, y castigo físico y humillante. Otra importante área de intervención institucional es la de Gestión para la Reducción de Riesgos de Desastre con enfoque inclusivo y desde la comunidad. En los últimos tres años SC interviene para la mitigación de los efectos negativos de la movilidad humana por el tema de migración venezolana.  

Save the Children se tiene como responsabilidad individual y colectiva asegurar que todos los niños, niñas y adultos estén protegidos de actos deliberados o no intencionales que conducen a riesgos o a daños reales, con especial atención en aquellos que forman parte de nuestras intervenciones. Es por ello que cuenta con Políticas de Salvaguarda, un código de conducta y herramientas de programación segura para prevenir riesgos y cualquier daño que pueda ser causado por su propio personal, representantes, consultores, socios, voluntarios, contratistas o visitantes a nuestros beneficiarios de nuestros programas. 


Por ello, durante las entrevistas, se compartirán y evaluará a los candidatos en la lectura y entendimiento de las políticas contempladas en nuestro marco de salvaguarda, que son: Política de Salvaguarda, Código de Conducta, Política contra el Acoso, la Intimidación y el abuso, y la Política de Protección ante la Explotación, el Abuso y el Acoso Sexual.  

Información para la aplicación: 

Por favor, aplique a través de nuestra plataforma, haciendo click en aplicar ahora o apply now, No es necesario que tenga una cuenta. Solo espere a recibir el código de verificación a su correo, le pedimos revisar spam o la bandeja de correos no deseados. Espere hasta 10 minutos, ya que el sistema puede demorar.  

No obstante, en caso presente dificultades con recibir el código de verificación o algún problema con su proceso de aplicación, puede enviar su currículo vitae colocando como asunto el Senior Education Technical Advisor (indicar sus expectativas salariales brutas mensuales), al siguiente correo: [email protected] 

Por otro lado, puede encontrar todas nuestras convocatorias activas en Perú, en el siguiente enlace: Convocatorias laborales : Save the Children en Perú  

Recordar que de igual forma es indispensable que pueda registrarse por la plataforma, puesto que se envían las novedades y resultados del proceso por ese único medio.  

Save the Children no solicita ningún pago de dinero en ninguna etapa del proceso de reclutamiento. 

** Todos los postulantes, antes de ser seleccionados, deberán acreditar no contar con antecedentes penales, policiales, judiciales y/o de ninguna otra índole. Además, Save the Children se reservará el derecho de contratar a personal que cuente con procesos judiciales, administrativos, etc activos de cualquier tipo. 

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